The Dark prince of German Idealism showers high praise on Indian Idealism. Most people don't realize this- German Idealism was one of the most critical ingredients in the emergence of modern science and Humanities. It directly poured inspiration into a variety of new schools- Evolutionary Biology, Psychology, Economics, Sociology, Ethics, legal systems etc. The fathers of modern psychology-Carl Jung, Freud etc were ardent students of German Philosophers. The pioneering founders of modern physics- Einstein, Poincare, Wolfgang Pauli, Schrodinger, Heisenberg etc were all fanboys of German Idealism. For Einstein, Schopenhauer's thoughts were “continual consolation“ and he called Scoppy a genius. Even Karl Marx was a student of a German idealist. Now, dear cittamātravādin's, think and answer- Why did Indian Idealism FAIL to fertilize the sciences like its German descendant did? Why did it not inspire free thinking and diversification of fields of inquiry? Why did we sink int...