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The most Radical thinkers produced by India

    The most Radical thinkers produced by India. First principle thinking- Why did we lose this amazing superpower? Each of these thinkers opened a new branch of learning or caused paradigm shifts in prevalent thinking of society-or sometimes- the whole species. Clarity on chronology-even if imperfect-helps you appreciate the evolution of the Indic intellect 1. "Whence came this creation? Did he create it, or did he not? He who surveys in the highest heaven knows. Or perhaps he may not know...." -Parame ṣṭ hi Prajāpati~2000 BCE Rig Veda 10.129 History's first Skeptic 2. "There is only one supreme god. Ahura Mazdā" -Atharvan Zaratuštra~1900 BCE (North west frontier province-Rangha/Bactria) The first monotheist Influenced Judaism Contributive to Indo-Iranian civil war & permanent schism Destinies of the last two IE tribes diverged forever 3. "The self is gradually revealed in creatures. Among animals, man is most endowe...
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German Idealism and Indian Idealism

  The Dark prince of German Idealism showers high praise on Indian Idealism. Most people don't realize this- German Idealism was one of the most critical ingredients in the emergence of modern science and Humanities. It directly poured inspiration into a variety of new schools- Evolutionary Biology, Psychology, Economics, Sociology, Ethics, legal systems etc. The fathers of modern psychology-Carl Jung, Freud etc were ardent students of German Philosophers. The pioneering founders of modern physics- Einstein, Poincare, Wolfgang Pauli, Schrodinger, Heisenberg etc were all fanboys of German Idealism. For Einstein, Schopenhauer's thoughts were “continual consolation“ and he called Scoppy a genius. Even Karl Marx was a student of a German idealist. Now, dear cittamātravādin's, think and answer- Why did Indian Idealism FAIL to fertilize the sciences like its German descendant did? Why did it not inspire free thinking and diversification of fields of inquiry? Why did we sink int...

A prediction for the Future

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The Final Meme of Indian philosophy

 Are you too lazy to Read 4000 years of Indian philosophy? Ive got you covered. Wont get easier than this lol. 

A prediction of Nalanda philosophers

  Another prediction of Indian philosophers that actually came true: "No matter how minutely & continuously you analyse the finest particles, you will not be able to predict the World of Forms [Rupaloka] from that" -Nalanda philosophers "Imagine a vertical axis of time (ūrdhvatālakṣaṇa) and a horizontal axis of space (tiryaglakṣaṇa). In this system a REAL Thing, particle or Quality can exist/persist/extend only in ONE point of time & space." -Dharmakīrti of Nalanda (650 CE)- [Baudha Nominalist argument against universals] Now what does experimental results of modern science say? "Below the Planck length [=1.616255×10−35 m], classical laws of science break down" -Modern Physicist All the laws our world operates under simply cease to exist at that level. Everything we hold to be true- from the simplest to the most complex classical equations and Natural truths- dissolve. However, we don't need...

Asvagosha's thundering Question

  ''What is the meaning of the Human Will?" Oh? Such a deep thinker once walked this land 2000 years ago? Can you answer his question?...if you understand it. To me this is one of the earliest applications of catuṣkoṭi (Four valued Indian logic or Tetralemma) by an Indian philosopher, even though it was formally published only a couple of centuries after Ashvagosha. He is not obsessing over 'God exists' or 'God does not exist' - like an Aristotlean logician might. He is transcending and going beyond the question. 1600 years later, a version of the same question tormented Issac Newton's mind. He spent an inordinate amount of effort reading and writing to try and answer the problem of Will and Space from a Christian Theist perspective. And even he could not provide a valid answer. He is eternal and infinite, omnipotent and omniscient, that is, he endures from eternity to eternity, and he is present from infinity to infinity; he rules all things, and he ...

Scariest prediction of Indian philosophy

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